Hello fellow Book Dragons!
If you've been following me for a while, then you know I've been working diligently for the past year on my debut novel, Aeternus. Aeternus, of course, is the first book in a planned trilogy, The Immortalle Series. Aeternus started out as an idea nearly 11 years ago with but a simple character name that popped into my head, but for a long time I was not confident in my abilities as a writer and I kept putting it off. Over the past decade though, I kept a notebook and every time I had an idea about the book, I wrote it down. Along the way, though, life also happened. My husband was in the service (he just retired recently), and I am a stay at home mom to two amazing boys. So life kind of took precedence over my book. But... about a year ago, with my husband's retirement looming, I finally decided that I was going to do it. I'd spent so long putting others' needs first, that I never did something I wanted. So I decided it was finally time to do something for me and that was write this book. It was my turn. As a friend put it, if I didn't write it, the story would never be told and no one would ever read it. So write I did. And write. And write. And write. I spent countless late nights after the kids went to bed, waiting for my husband to get home from shift work (he often worked until 2am) safely, writing. I put every ounce of energy into this book and these characters. I didn't tell anyone I was writing (except for a couple of friends), not even my husband. I'd kind of wanted to surprise him with the very first copy when it was published (he's still getting the first one in case anyone is wondering!). I was so nervous about anyone finding out. I thought they would think I was silly. Or wasting my time. I especially worried what my husband would think, even though he's been my cheerleader since we were seventeen. Until one day last October, when the first draft was nearly complete, I accidentally left a "how to publish" book open on my Kindle and he saw it, and of course asked me if I was writing a book. The cat was out of the bag. Surprisingly, he was excited. I thought he would laugh. You know, insecurities. Instead, he told me he was proud of me and to not give up. And then he asked if he could have the honor of getting the first signed copy. That was my plan all along. Anyways, I never gave up. In October, I finished that final draft. And I spent the last three months editing multiple drafts, until it was finally the way I wanted it. And now I'm happy to report that my very first novel is in the hands of my beta readers. I officially have an editor booked, and I have a cover design artist lined up. This is really happening. In the beginning, I never thought I would make it this far. Yet, here we are. My perseverance paid off, and in just a few short months, I will be published. There are so many emotions that go along with all of this. Knowing that I created something so monumental. That 91,000 words poured forth from my brain by the time my final draft was complete. I've never been a creative person, yet, I created this. Knowing that others will be reading it is frightening, but also exhilarating. Along the way, I fell in love with my characters. I cried with them. I laughed with them. I struggled with Aislin's past trauma and anxiety that dominated her life, keeping her from really living, and I can't wait to take her on a journey from damaged soul in the first book to bad ass in the finale. And then there is Arkkadian. My steadfast, dominant Alpha wolf who stands by her side, the character who started this entire journey. He's always going to hold a special place in my heart. I hope you, my book dragons, love them as much as I do. I hope you enjoy their journey together as much as I have thus far. Aeternus is full of emotion, passion, anger, fear... and I won't lie, it's graphic. It's a roller coaster designed to make you FEEL what Aislin feels. To experience the things she has. You might cry. You might get angry. And that's okay. This first book is about dealing with all that trauma and anxiety and accepting of her new life. The next two books will see her grow and heal, and eventually become the strong woman I know in my heart she is meant to be. I can't wait to share Aislin and Arkkadian's journey with you. It won't be long, book dragons, it won't be long. Much love.
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D.M. Shane
Author of the Immortalle Series. Writer of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. ArchivesCategories |